
Welcome! We are a non-profit organization operated by volunteers. Our purpose is to promote interest in genealogy by helping visitors conduct research on their ancestry and explore their family history.

Available at the Centre are Census Records, directory records, family histories, Grand Falls-Windsor Cemeteries, school yearbooks, old telephone directories. We also have genealogy information binders, surname tidbits binders from A to Z; ship’s lists, Last Will and Testaments and many other resources at your fingertips!!!

Most of our paper documents are for Newfoundland and Labrador but we have connections to England and Ireland with other documents for neighbouring provinces, primarily Nova Scotia.

Why Create a Family Tree?

Your Family Tree is the most interesting and reliable source of information about yourself. Through it you can learn not only where you came from, but from WHOM your came. Tracing your lineage allows you to discover common traits between your ancestors and yourself.

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