In this category are listed any birth/baptisms certificates, listings, other info.

Under this category you will find marriages at each of the different churches in our central area.

In this category we have all cemeteries in our area listed. Included are headstones, funeral service programs, obituaries.
About us
We are a group of volunteers interested in genealogy and helping others who are looking to build their family tree.
Our purpose is to promote interest in genealogy by helping visitors to our Centre to conduct their research on their ancestry and explore their family history.
We will advise and help you on your journey with any tidbits of information we can find from all the paper documents we have gathered over the last 25 years.
” Your family tree is the key to Your Heritage”

Talk to us
We are always available to help you find the source documents needed to grow your family tree. We have available at our centre census and records of birth, death, marriage, family histories, cemeteries, school yearbooks, old telephone directories, surname tidbits, and many other resources to help you in your research,