Who are we?
We are your link to finding the people in your family tree
email us at ftg03@yahoo.com
We are a group of volunteers with an interest in genealogy and have gathered a library of information over the last 20 years.
We are available to help you in your family research but we do not have time to do your research for you so please contact us through our website or from our facebook group Grand Falls-Windsor Genealogy Family Tree Group | Facebook
We have Census Records, Records of Births, Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths; Obituaries, Funeral Service Records, etc.
Also available is a list from our library of information binders and books of people and places in Newfoundland and Labrador. You cannot take any of these out of our library but you are quite welcome to come in & use them.
Our Group is a branch of the Grand Falls-Windsor Heritage Society (gfwheritagesociety.ca) located on 7 Scott Ave. While checking our Centre for records you can also check out all the displays of the Heritage Society.